Monday, April 23, 2007

I've Gone Back to School!

Greetings from the University of Otago!

I've snuck into the University after hours to blog, but before I get to that, I want to clarify something I put in my last post.

I said that the portion of the trip I was most excited about was my trip to Dunedin. My trip is divided into 3 sections -- Dunedin (my mom's hometown), Tauranga (where I'll meet up with my family) and Auckland (where I'm getting to meet Debbie!) Seeing everything in Dunedin was the thing that I really insisted upon doing if I was coming all the way over here. But the single most exciting THING to me is getting to meet my cousins Tania and her family. But as far as the trip as a whole, the Dunedin portion of the trip was my MUST DO.

So, my NZ impressions: Absolutely AMAZING. I can't even begin to tell you all the things we've done since I've arrived - I can't even believe it's only been a few days. I've tramped all over the Dunedin, went Shania Stalking in Wanaka, rode a gondola to the top of the mountain in Queenstown (where my parents honeymooned) and seen the most AMAZING scenery ever. OH - visited the home of the original Bungee Jump -- and no, I didn't jump.

The "oh wow" moment for me was going to the church my parents were married in. Having seen so many photos, but never imagining I would actually get to GO there, it was when we walked in there that the enormity of the trip I've undertaken completely overwhelmed me. Going there was worth every bit of anything I went through to get here.

I met my Great Aunt today who was just cute as a button. I've become addicted to "pies" - I've been eating them for every meal I can. These are not dessert pies, they've got meat and cheese and all kinds of different varieties, and they are yummy. I'm learning lots of new words too, like "loopies" (of which I am one).

Tomorrow I climb the Steepest Street in the WORLD - Baldwin Street. Assuming I survive that, I will be leaving Wednesday morning for Tauranga, where I'm going to meet a gaggle of rellies. (Those are relatives for you Yankees..)

By the way, it's 8:20 at night here. I haven't had any trouble with jet lag at all, the only thing is I'm tired earlier at night, and am wide awake at 5:30 in the morning.

I should have internet access again at some point after Thursday. Hope y'all are behaving yourself while I'm gone!


Anonymous said...

I was thinking of you last night J as I was watching America's next top model...they flew them to Australia where they had to interview people off the street, using as much Australian slang as they was pretty funny!

Sounds like you're having a fabulous time and catching on quite nicely to the slang yourself.
Have fun with your rellies.;)

Kiwi Deb said...

Crikey! Pies are what we eat as a last resort. How about them lamingtons?

Anonymous said...

I'm totally jealous! I can just SEE those places in my head as you describe them...

LAX - ugliest airport in the world!

Auckland Airport - how about that mile "tramp" from the International to the Domestic terminal?

Queenstown - BEAUTIFUL!

Glad to hear you're having such a fantastic time!!!!

And...if you think the pies are good, try the yogurt!!!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful adventure. Looking forward to hearing more.

Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

OMG you're making me homesick - stop it!

Kiwi pies are the best! She can't eat lamingtons Deb they're far too australian lol. But nothing beats a cream doughnut topped with jam but a kiwi bakery - drool!!!!!

I'm so pleased it's living up to expectations J - looking forward to reading the next instalment.


Anonymous said...

Total goosebumps reading about the church, J.

I've told you before, but you have such a gift when you write, it's so effortless and you have the ability to take us with you wherever you are. :)

BTW, I think most of us could've told you that you were loopie (whatever that means!). :P