Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Spotted: Kiwi Birds!

I saw my first kiwi birds today. We went to Te Puia (don't ask me how to pronounce it) which is in Rotorua (pronuounced like it looks) - home of the hot mud pools and geysers as well as a Maori cultural center. It was amazing!

A big geyser was blowing as we came up to it, the mud pools were just wild! My cousin Zoe and I decided next time we were bringing our suits and going into the hot mud spas. My parents had visited here before, and I really wanted to go, but didn't think I was going to get to. Turned out it was only 40 minutes up the road from where we were staying.

They also had a Kiwi House, which was home to 2 real live kiwi birds. They're nocturnal birds, so they have them in a darkened environment with lighting that reverses daylight hours, so that us loopies can see them in action. I was surprised at how big they were - about the size of a computer monitor. They were both digging holes when we went in, but one of them was kicking up dirt like my dogs! He/She turned right and looked at me - it was so funny! LONG pointy beak, black beady eyes. Every bit as cartooney as they are on the tourist merchandise. It was quite a treat to see one in real life.

There was a really interesting Maori performance too that we really enjoyed. After the performance a security guard walked right up to me and Zoe and handed me a feather, telling me it was from a real kiwi. I'm not sure, but that might mean we're going steady or something.

My dad and youngest brother Chris arrive tonight from Australia. I haven't seen them since Christmas, can't believe I had to go half way around the world to see them!

A few misc. notes:

I'm on dial up access at my cousins, and haven't had a lot of computer access over all since I've been here. I did NOT bring my laptop, and I'm really glad - it's bad enough all this airport hopping I've been doing, and there haven't been a lot of places I could have pulled it out and used it. Although I was in a McDonald's today that had wireless.

Because of that, I haven't been proof-reading and editing my blogs, just slamming them out. So all of you who compliment my writing are now getting a taste of the raw thing. I also haven't had a chance to read the comments.

I did buy a computer card for the hotel though, so hopefully in the next couple of days I will get a chance to get on fast access.

I think that's it for now. It's overcast here today, so no playing on the beach. Hoping it's brighter tomorrow.

Now, in a joy that only Carey and Debbie will fully understand - I have been to the Pack & Save and bought all the ingredients -- tonight we are making Pavlova!!!!!


Kiwi Deb said...

Pavlova! I've never made one. Only grandmothers make pavlovas. You know ... the people who know their way around a kitchen and don't have to work? I've eaten plenty though.

Anonymous said...

Oh I do love Pavolva - have made a few in my time too and they are normally successful - although store bought is so much easier when you're in a hurry. Have an extra large slice for me! Pleased you finally got to see the kiwi bird.


Anonymous said...

Kiwi birds are adorable! Had a stuffed animal one that a friend brought me from a trip she took in high school, but it finally bit the dust a few years ago. :( Think I still have the koala from the same trip, though. :D